Mon Coeur.

You guys MUST be thinking, "WAH LAO EH! finally you change blogskin lar!" HAHA, right? So much for putting up with my puny font sized blogskin :D Much appreciated. I've decided to use blogger's premade template for a change. It's so damn user friendly :D

Oh yeah, finally I'm back from today's event ah. Wishing SAMSAM a happy 21st birthday! :D HEE. Seriously, I think the 2 months holiday will always NEVER, seriously NEVER FAIL to make me FAT lar. All through holiday, I've been like binge eating in chalets, bbqs and outings. Seriously NOT helping at all. But oh wells, I'll eventually give in to good food! Met Calvin and Darren to go down to the chalet. We walked from White Sands in a god damn humid weather and I was just drenched in my own pespiration! ZZZ. Hmm, today's buffet at Sam's chalet was really great. Cheerios to the you tiao looking fish cake with mayo!!! Highlight for the night was the friggin' awesome CHOCOLATE FONDUE, baby!!! Oh yes, FUAD, I HATE YOU LAR. Not my birthday also got smashed by cake! ZZZZ. LOL. Later at SL tea party SURE die man. ZZZ. Why did I even say Liverpool will LOSE?! LOL. Anyway... They made a horredous amount of liquor concoction after dinner! LOL. My stomach just feels funny after so many different kinds and amounts of liquor entering it. Whiskey, Vodka, Jim Bean, Barcardi, stout, beer, white wine!!! BRRRR.... Scary. Sadly....I was not a tad tipsy at all! :D Not baddddddd. Normally I'd be gone with just a few cups. LOL. Darren was damnnnnn funny. He gets so red and silly when he's high. Got sun, he'll turn red.. No sun, ALSO turn red! HAHA. Lucky he went home! If not he'd be a goner at the chalet. Damn funny lar, he became part of the joke for the night. Heh. Kannan sent me off to the bus stop.. had a heart to heart talk with him.. Hmmmm.. Sigh. I'm sorry. ): That's all I can say now.

Hmm, later later later, school school school! Hope it will be an eventful one! And maybe steamboat for dinner with the programmers! WOOPHEY. I've been missing out so much lei. Didn't even go to a single meeting after camp! LOL. See how lar huh :) Ok! Updates sooooon :) OH YESSSS, upcoming events ah.
14 April - SL TEA PARTY
17 & 18 April - WEEK ZERO, orientation for freshies!
19 April - Great Poly Garage Sales @ GEYLANG :D (If you wna drop by, please tell me! garage sales lei!!! :D Many nice nice things on sale!)
22 April - HAPPY HOUR!!! :DDDD
WAHHHHS. Jam packed. Sian, wish to meet nappalli soon lar!

I didn't mean to say all those, I'm taking it back.

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